Urban mobility in big cities is changing and all of us become a part of it. The continuous environmental problems have alarmed about the big issue that the massification of vehicles generates in urban areas which are densely populated. Independently of very famous cases like the Dieselgate or the driving restrictions that the mayor houses are planning for environment contamination episodes, it’s been a while since we’ve started becoming conscious about this, that the ordering must go through a rational use of public transport.
On the one hand the public net must be boosted so it covers all the areas that are currently having some serious deficiencies of cadence and stops locations. On the other hand, the focus must be put in an occasional and specific use of the particular vehicle, being able to choose other transports such as the bike or the electric scooter, much nicer with the environment.
The carsharing modality is winning relevance and it’s another way to consider.
Barcelona, whose geographic location has a benign climate for most of the year, it’s more receptive to alternative media that are not penalised by the climatology. That is added to the fact that the sea breeze takes the daily-generated pollution away, except on some episodes of high concentration.
In Zolty we contribute to achieve a more sustainable city with the environment, and that needs to go through an exhaustive election of the vehicles that form our fleet, the antiquity and their propulsion, hybrids, glp, are a part of the strategy.
The start-up of our application Zolty App also gives its effectiveness, as it optimises the travel and pick-up of the passenger, contributing to reduce the daily congestion.
According to an UN report, on the 2030 it’s foreseen that the 60% of the world population will be living in urban areas, something that will put the cities on an unprecedented challenge. For the experts in smart cities, the future mobility will be electric, autonomous and connected. Part of these precepts have already been incorporated. Zolty, “we take you”.

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