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spicy potatoes

The potatoes tour in Barcelona

To walk through Barcelona with the palate, nothing’s better than doing it in the “vermouth” time, and tasting a classic in terms of accompanying such a unique drink: the patatas bravas (spicy potatoes). A simple dish but that has a legion of experts able to trace a route with the best establishments where to taste them. We say it’s a simple dish but it has its secrets, the first is the potato whose type and variety truly make a difference, it’s not the same to fry a mealy version more adequate for mashed potatoes that another which is harder and resistant, usually present in an excellent stew that stays long hours cooking without melting. Ways of frying and also the used oil are nuances of taste that turn the tables towards some tastes or others. But what truly makes the difference is the sauce, that’s why they are called patatas bravas. A sauce that needs to have the exact dose of spicy so it doesn’t mask the raw material. We always say the same, be careful with the sauces (of any kind) because a lot of times they’re used to mask more than to enhance. It’s all about giving the necessary touch to turn some simple fries into a valuable dish, ideal to accompany a midday drink. We can replace the vermouth for a beer, a glass of wine or even a Bitter, but the patatas bravas can’t be changed for olives or cockles, they are a complement but not an alternative. Barcelona has a series of bars with a charm that popular wisdom has put in the altar of this potatoes snack. That’s why we suggest that you open your Zolty app and choose the closes vehicle so it takes you to a route. Here we give you some ideas of what can be a map of the best tastes: We start by the neighbourhood of Sarrià, and what could be better than El Tomás de Sarriá fixed in the list of more recommended. We go down to the centre and we stop in La Taverna del Clínic, their patatas bravas have been awarded multiple times. We go to the sea zone and we find the Sant Antoni Gloriós, a classical cellar in Barcelona. If you like them more powerful and tasty, La Esquinica in the Passeig Fabra i Puig is also a referent. But if there is a place you must not forget is the bar La Fuente, a simple place which quality-price relation is indisputable. Most probably you’ll have your own criteria and palate, what’s your favourite place to taste some exquisite patatas bravas in Barcelona?
Zolty App

Castanyada or Halloween: it’s the party that matters

Jueves de Castañada o de Halloween, como quieras llamarlo, lo importante es la fiesta que te vas a dar en Barcelona. La tradición manda y si eres de los que cualquier excusa es buena para divertirse, esta es una con mayúsculas. El 31 por la noche, previo al día de los santos difuntos, se convierte en una noche mágica. Para los amantes del horror y el misterio de esta noche de brujas, en Barcelona, como en tantas ciudades del mundo también se celebra. Hay para todos los gustos. Los más tradicionalistas le llamarán “la Castanyada” y los más modernos “Halloween” pero qué más da si la diversión es la que manda. Desde finales del siglo XVIII las castañas tostadas, los panellets, boniatos y el moscatel cumplen su deber de endulzar las almas en pena. El origen pagano de esta fiesta estaba relacionado con la ingesta de calorías por parte de los campaneros, que eran los encargados de hacer sonar las campanas durante la noche, antes hacía frío en esta época. Si lo vinculamos al origen celta británico, la noche toma un cariz más religioso. Las noches eran muy largas y los días de poca luz. En esta época del año se multiplicaban las enfermedades por eso los colores que visten esta fiesta, el negro (noche) y el naranja (calabazas). Pero nada te tiene que impedir dar rienda suelta a tu espíritu fiestero y  a tus ganas de pasarlo bien. Barcelona te propone una multitud de fiestas temáticas organizadas en discotecas y clubes.  Otto, Bling Bling, Opium, Soho, Razzmatazz y otras salas ofrecen una espectacular ambientación de terror. El teatro también se suma al jolgorio, en el Teatreneu la noche  del 31 ofrece el  “Impro Horror Show” carcajadas y miedo para pasar un rato excelente. Otro gran plan puede ser una maratón de películas de terror, en los  cines Phenomena que nos volverán a sorprender con los títulos más clásicos del horror. Si quieres salir de Barcelona, pide un Zolty y te llevamos, Port Aventura, el parque temático por excelencia, te hará vivir una verdadera pesadilla donde el miedo te hará morir de risa. Ni quedándote en casa estarás a salvo, en cualquier momento tocarán a tu puerta y el “truco o trato” será tu perdición.
urban mobility

Urban mobility is changing

Urban mobility in big cities is changing and all of us become a part of it. The continuous environmental problems have alarmed about the big issue that the massification of vehicles generates in urban areas which are densely populated. Independently of very famous cases like the Dieselgate or the driving restrictions that the mayor houses are planning for environment contamination episodes, it’s been a while since we’ve started becoming conscious about this, that the ordering must go through a rational use of public transport. On the one hand the public net must be boosted so it covers all the areas that are currently having some serious deficiencies of cadence and stops locations. On the other hand, the focus must be put in an occasional and specific use of the particular vehicle, being able to choose other transports such as the bike or the electric scooter, much nicer with the environment. The carsharing modality is winning relevance and it’s another way to consider. Barcelona, whose geographic location has a benign climate for most of the year, it’s more receptive to alternative media that are not penalised by the climatology. That is added to the fact that the sea breeze takes the daily-generated pollution away, except on some episodes of high concentration. In Zolty we contribute to achieve a more sustainable city with the environment, and that needs to go through an exhaustive election of the vehicles that form our fleet, the antiquity and their propulsion, hybrids, glp, are a part of the strategy. The start-up of our application Zolty App also gives its effectiveness, as it optimises the travel and pick-up of the passenger, contributing to reduce the daily congestion. According to an UN report, on the 2030 it’s foreseen that the 60% of the world population will be living in urban areas, something that will put the cities on an unprecedented challenge. For the experts in smart cities, the future mobility will be electric, autonomous and connected. Part of these precepts have already been incorporated. Zolty, “we take you”.

In October, Barcelona sets sail

In the month of October Barcelona gets ready to open its maritime litoral, sail and host one of the most important fairs in the nautical sector. From the 9th to the 13th October, the International Nautical Fair in Barcelona is celebrated. During four days you’ll be able to visit in the dock of the Port Vell more than 670 boats and 180 yachts and superyachts exposed for the general audience. A big amount of leisure activities are prepared that will please all the visitors. If you are a professional you’ll have the chance to find out about the news that are presented and the opportunity to close meetings with your peers through the Professional Meeting, a platform of reunion between enterprises to consolidate future synergies. The location is amazing, in the very heart of the city, taking advantage of the port facilities the exhibition area is available on land and all the floating sample moored to the dock. The best way to get to their access is, besides public transport, asking for a Zolty in the App. A fast and safe journey from your hotel, enterprise or terminal of arrivals. Don’t waste your time waiting in vain, with a simple click you’ll be able to see the vehicles we make available for you in the area where you’re at. Also, you’ll have the chance to choose between two kinds of rates, the conventional or taximeter and the closed one with a stipulated price from the beginning. Easy and intuitive, the app is a must on your smartphone. Enjoy Barcelona, once you’re done with your activity, may it be leisure or professional, take the chance to know more this elegant and rogue Barcelona. A great variety of shows, restaurants, shops, places of interest, unique and iconic places are waiting for you. You can’t miss it, as the slogan of this huge sail and boats Fair says, Sea People, a sea of experiences.

Barcelona, destination for cruise passengers

Barcelona, one of the most mentioned cities in the world, a destination that almost all the travellers by train, plane, bus, car or cruise have in mind to visit it at least once in their lives. A city that, with little space, gathers the biggest ludic, gastronomic, intellectual, sportive and corporate offer you can imagine. Normally you get to this wonderful city by land, sea and air counting on an excellent net of picking up in train stations as Barcelona-Sants, bus stations as estació del Nord, the airport Aeroport Josep Tarradellas Barcelona El Prat and port in the Port de Barcelona. And precisely this last one is the one we want to focus on. Every day thousands of cruise passengers disembark in the Catalan capital willing to live a special day in Barcelona. The port has seven international terminals for passengers, where there are tourists that have chosen this destination as the end of the cruise or an intermediate scale. The main companies have incorporated to their catalogue this metropolis, known names like Costa, MSC, Royal Caribbean, Pullmantur, Norwegian, Holland, Princess, Carnival, Grimaldi, Iberocruceros, Club Med, Panavision and many more, are the usual landscape of the port litoral. Taking into account that the port zones are a little bit far from the centre of the city, precisely Barcelona has perfectly integrated the port in the urban area, it’s still a time to take into account. To be able to enjoy as fast as possible of all the charm of this city we advise you to download the Zolty app. Once you download it, it takes some seconds, you’ll be able to ask for a transport vehicle out of all the ones that appear as available close to your location. In a click, it’s already called and you’re ready to seize to the maximum your time in Barcelona. Welcome, enjoy Barna.

Messi10 Cirque du Soleil in Barcelona

Messi10, the prepared show by the Cirque du Soleil has already been premiered in Barcelona, and it was the past 10th October in the Forum Parc, and Zolty is ready to take you. Imagine it will be a show where lots of people will go, and possibly the agglomeration of cars will be significant in the area, so we propose you call a Zolty and forget about it. More than 46 artists will make a live representation inspired by the football star. A perfect combination between acrobatics and the story of a young man with an insatiable ambition to succeed in the football world and become the best 10 of history. The Barcelona representation will be unique for all Spain as in 2020 it will start a worldwide tour. The duration is about 90 minutes, a nod to the duration of a football game, and it will be accompanied by a really impactful soundtrack. If you want to buy your ticket here you have the link to do it Messi10 Parc Forum and here you have the Zolty one so your trip to there is as pleasant as possible. Who’s who in this story? Lionel Messi, also known as Leo Messi, an Argentinean football player that has developed his whole professional career in the FC Barcelona, and that has 5 Golden Balls and 6 Golden Boots besides of 34 titles of different championships with his team. Nothing else to say about this world star. The Cirque du Soleil was born at the beginning of 1980 as a group of street artists in a town near Quebec, Canada. Its founder Gilles Ste-Croix believed that a cast of artists a little bit eclectic that combined dance, music and acrobatics would be the future of circus. A concept which is way far from the circus of that moment, free of animals and with a huge visual strength would be the embryo of the current model of circus this millennium. Their first tour outside Canada, in the year 1987 to the USA, with their show “We Reinvent the Circus” was a true surprise for everyone. From that moment on, the history of circus art has been rewritten and the Cirque du Soleil is its principal actor.